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SEO Audit in Faisalabad

An SEO audit is a fastest and most effective way to find out why your site isn’t ranking high. We provide 100% transparency when it comes to our SEO audits. We examine your website’s on-page, off-page, and technical SEO. Get SEO Services in Faisalabad, Visit our website for more details or contact us to receive a custom proposal!

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The Detailed SEO Audit we Provide Reveals Problems and Provides Solutions

With SEO Audits, you’ll get the answers you need.

Search engine rankings seem problematic for you, but you’re not sure why. As a leader in search engine optimization, DigitalRackup provides SEO audit. We can help you maximize your online visibility by analyzing your site and creating an actionable strategy.

Following are the steps involved in an SEO audit:

  • SEO strategy assessment and assessment of your website’s strengths
  • Finding out what affects search rankings on and off-page
  • SEO audit reports that include competition scorecards, backlink reports, and future site strategies

Our SEO audit packages are detailed below, as well as information about our website SEO audit. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about SEO.

SEO Audit & Action Plan

Now you can choose from a variety of professional SEO audit plans. Do you have any questions? Get in touch with an experienced strategist online!

Reports Provided

Analysis Checklist

How Our SEO Audit Services Work

Using SEO auditing, you can determine how well your site is optimized for search engines. To optimize your website for search engines, we start by analyzing its overall design and analytics (including your site’s search engine results).
With Digital Rack Up, your website is analyzed and suggestions are made on how to improve it to improve your search engine rankings.
Several suggestions may be made, but they are not limited to:


Every post on a client site can be reviewed by our team of analysts. The number of visitors, their source of discovery, and their path from the page can all be monitored. By doing this, we can ensure that the content we produce for your sites delivers results. Each blog post we produce is optimized to deliver the kind of performance you should expect from our team of experts by cutting out the content that doesn't work and creating more of the content that does.

Effective Campaign Setup
Keyword Research

Keywords Research

The primary goal of SEO was keyword research years ago. However, analyzing the effectiveness of your research should still be a crucial part of your plan, as it used to be. A common SEO mistake made by new websites is to compete for hyper-competitive keywords. When you compete with industry juggernauts for a phrase that has huge search volume numbers, you won't see any results in rankings. The keywords and phrases we select when we audit the keyword performance of your site have a high search value and low competition ratio.

 Page Loading Times

Speed has become one of the most important aspects of SEO in recent years. Just loading text on several websites used to take minutes years ago. Modern technology is expected to deliver better results than ever before. The longer it takes to load your site, the more likely your visitors are to leave. Online, people have a short attention span, so it's important to grab their attention within a short period. Before your site even loads, you cannot afford to lose that time. Our team audits your page speed and makes any necessary changes to improve your site's speed once we find ways to optimize your images and code.

Page Loading
Local SEO

Local SEO

A lot of companies consider local SEO as one of their most important marketing tools. Businesses used to focus solely on local marketing years ago.

Digital marketing has given way to more traditional forms of marketing, but many local market conventions haven't changed. To ensure that you reach the market that you need to reach, our team can see where your visitors are coming from.

 Broken Links & Dangling Links

Your website will be recognized as a trustworthy and valuable resource once you have established backlinks to it. Pages on your site that are cited by other websites indicate that your content is worth sharing. Consequently, you're positioning yourself as a professional leader. The importance of this area of SEO is the highest of all the areas that we audit.

Your SEO can be boosted with a good backlink program, but your website could be severely crippled with bad backlinks. We can take any necessary steps to remove bad backlinks that are hurting your site's performance during an audit to see what backlinks are pointed at your site.Our approach is to reverse engineer the strategies of your competitors to increase your ranking by reverse engineering their strategies. You can find everything you need to know to grow your online business in a report, from actionable tips to progressive strategies like latent semantic indexing (LSIYou can find everything you need to know to grow your online business in a report, from actionable tips to progressive strategies like latent semantic indexing (LSI).

Broken Links
Mobile Friendly Website

Mobile Friendly & Resolution Compatibility

As part of its indexing policy, Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites. Further, mobile devices will account for a large percentage of visitors to your website. Therefore, your website should be optimized for mobile devices. Your business can be as accessible to as many people as possible using a variety of sources because we're able to check how your site runs on smaller devices.

Duplicate Meta Descriptions

Your visitors will not see the metadata for your page, but it's how Google identifies it. Metadata tags are most prominently used. Search engines display your web page on relevant searches when you use tags to associate the page with a topic or keyphrase. Google uses your metadata to present your website to visitors who are interested in it, so by auditing your metadata, we ensure Google has all the information it needs.

Keyword Research

Site Statistics & Error Pages

It's easy for your website to be plagued with several technical problems, most of which are beyond your control. The performance of your website might drop before you are aware that there is a problem. Search engine optimization can malfunction due to changes in terms of service or different search engine algorithms (and other search engine algorithms). It is also possible to experience technical problems when your site is hosted on a server that has poor backlinks linking to it, a virus infection, or a server error related to the backend of the site. Identifying and resolving these problems can be challenging. As a result, you shouldn't have to worry about anything since our team has experience optimizing websites and fixing issues. As a result, you shouldn't have to worry about anything since our team has experience optimizing websites and fixing issues.

GSC and GA (Google Search Console and Google Analytics)

Tracking and monitoring your website's performance on search engines can be done using Google Search Console and Google Analytics, both of which are provided by Google. Using these tools for SEO auditing is extremely powerful. Based on the data we receive from them, we can form our strategy in the future according to how your website ranks in Google's index.

Compelling Ad Copies

Your SEO Audit: On-page Factors to Consider

Is it worth it to have a beautiful website if nobody ever visits it? Due to a lack of optimization, our clients' beautifully crafted and engaging websites don't rank well in search engines. What's the difference between an attractive and useful website and one that doesn't rank well? These situations are often characterized by content issues. There could be inadequate content on the page ("thin content"), duplicate content (multiple URLs pointing to the same page), or no title tags and meta descriptions at all. With our SEO auditing services, we will identify and recommend changes to overcome on-page ranking barriers. Your rankings can be significantly improved by identifying and fixing these on-page factors.

SEO Audits: The Off-page Factors Affecting Your SEO

You also have to take into consideration off-page factors that affect your organic search results. Search engines' ranking algorithms are heavily influenced by off-page factors, which makes accurate analysis of off-page factors vital. The majority of these factors relate to links - how many links you have, how they're positioned, and what anchor text you are using. These off-page factors are difficult to detect manually and can be difficult for the average web visitor to notice. Therefore, at Digital Rckup, we provide a suite of services to analyze and compare off-page content. This hard-to-spot factor can affect your online reputation and higher your online presence if Digital Rckup identifies it. A hard-to-spot factor can affect your online reputation and increase your online presence if it is identified by Digital Rackup.eCommerce websites present unique challenges that we are experienced in handling. On-site optimizations, links, and thousands of products were optimized, along with 100,000+ indexed pages.

Choosing The Right Server Files For Your SEO Audit

Your server has several files that control the way search engines index and access your content, such as .htaccess and robots.txt. Optimizing these files so they have the correct configuration can make a huge difference to your ranking.


Distributed configuration files are stored in the .htaccess file. Your site's configuration directives can be specified and applied in this file. Your site's 301 redirect file gives you control over how users and search engines are directed to specific pages, facilitates custom error pages, and permits custom error pages.


Search engine spiders can better crawl your site when your sitemap.xml file is created, optimized, and submitted. Your visitors will also be able to find relevant information quickly by scanning your entire website. Each page on your site is assigned a link, along with a short description of that link. This allows it to be arranged based on significance and importance.


Website robots cannot access specific folders or files on a website if a robots.txt file is placed at the root of the server. This file should be optimized according to a specific format. This file is typically used for folders that dilute the theme of your website or folders providing a dead end to robots, such as PDF files.

Additional Server Configuration Factors

Additional server configurations such as accurate HTTP headers, accurate 404 error pages and page load times affect your search engine traffic as well. You can get positive results by optimizing these files with Digital Rack up.

Why Choose Digital Rackup as SEO Audit Service Provider

Are you having trouble increasing your organic traffic? As part of our SEO audit service, we can help you increase organic traffic to your site. In addition to 270 pointers, our SEO audit would include a comprehensive audit report. When we perform SEO Audits, we consider the following major aspects:

  • On-Page SEO Audit
  • Off-Page SEO Audit
  • Technical SEO Audit
  • Content SEO Audit
  • Architecture and Code Review
  • Google Penalty Identification Audit


How Long Do Seo Audit Take?
The SEO audit project takes about a month to complete.
Your choice of plan will determine how long it takes to perform a full SEO audit. A full SEO audit will take a certain amount of time depending on the plan you select. As part of our analysis and assessment of your website, Digital Rackup provides SEO audit services that will assist you in improving your site’s ranking in organic search results. In our analysis and assessment of your website, Digital Rackup will provide you with suggestions for how to improve how your site ranks in organic search results.
Following our SEO audit report, you will receive detailed recommendations on how to improve your rankings.
Why Invest In An Seo Audit Package?
If your website is not ranking for target keywords and you don’t know why, we can conduct a SEO site audit. If your site runs slowly, you might suspect it, but it’s hard to prove. There is probably a problem with duplicate content, but you don’t have the tools to check. We can help with that.
All SEO auditing plans at Digital Rackup include the investigation of key on-page elements, including title tags and sitemaps. A thorough analysis of your marketing strategy will be conducted in order to determine how and where it can be improved.
When you are experiencing ranking problems and need solid, actionable advice on what to do, we highly recommend an SEO audit. Businesses that have recently launched a website can also benefit from SEO audits by learning how they can improve the earliest pages.
Creating an effective online marketing strategy begins with SEO audits, no matter what your needs are.
From traditional SEO to local SEO to eCommerce SEO, Digital Rackup specializes in several critical areas. We can assess your SEO strategy as well as identify opportunities with that information.
Does Your Site Need An Seo Audit?
Regular audits should be performed on all websites. An SEO audit should be acquired as soon as possible if your website hasn’t been audited recently or sufficiently. Organic traffic can be increased by leveraging SEO audits to improve your website’s performance. Audit your website regularly to ensure that you don’t lose out on search traffic and revenue. A constant change occurs in the industry as well. Keeping up with best practices requires regular SEO audits, because algorithms change and webmaster guidelines are updated.
What Is The Process For Starting An Seo Audit?
You can schedule a free performance analysis here. Afterwards, you can decide whether to proceed with an SEO audit based on the results of our free initial assessment. There is a free 20-30 hour assessment included in this assessment. The assessment is free of charge and you are not required to become a client after completion. Taking advantage of our free assessment does not obligate you to do business with us. (Our assessment is intended to encourage you to engage with us.)
Compared To An Seo Audit Tool, How Does An Seo Audit Service Differ?
It is imperative to have a human touch and a critical mind during the SEO audit process. Those SEO audit tools cannot provide the unique considerations that require thorough analysis because they don’t fill in the gaps. Because of this, SEO audit tools do not provide detailed and comprehensive feedback that is required to increase your organic ranking.

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